
Contiki Cooja Hello World Advanced Tutorial

In my last tutorial, I touched up on Contiki OS Hello World which can be run by by simply loading a preconfigured .csc file.

This tutorial will be a little more in-depth so that the user can upload their hello world code into Sky Motes and learn about cooja a little more. Follow this tutorial up to Step 5 “Getting Started with Cooja Hello World Tutorial” to learn how to open Cooja Simulator.

Step 1: Follow this tutorial up to Step 5 “Getting Started with Cooja Hello World Tutorial” to learn how to open Cooja Simulator.

Step 2: Press Ctrl + N to open up a new simulation tab. Name the simulation Hello World. Keep rest of the settings as it is. We will understand about the different Radio Mediums later.

Create new Simulation

Step 3: You will get an output like shown below

New Simulation Panel

Step 4: Navigate to Motes > Add motes > Sky mote. Sky motes are also known as Tmote Sky or Telos B.

Sky mote

Step 5: Now you will get a new panel as shown below. Click browse and navigate to contiki-2.7/examples/hello-world/hello-world.c and press Compile

Sky Mote #1

Step 6: After compilation press the Create button. You will get a option to add motes. Add 2 Motes and in Network Box click on View and enable Mote Type and 10m background (Optional) . In simulation control press Start.

Step 7: Check out the output of Mote 2.

Mote 2 Output

The Mote 2 Output denotes the Main components that:-

Node Id2
Network StackRime
MAC ProtocolCSMA
Radio Duty Cycle (RDC) ProtocolContkiMAC
Sleep Cycle8 Hz
Transmitted MessageHello World

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